Employee app for the
health & care sector

Do you want to connect all employees directly with each other? The LOLYO one-for-all employee app brings a breath of fresh air to your internal communication. Best of all, with the innovative ‘Employees Recruit Employees’ feature, you now have a powerful solution to address the shortage of skilled workers.

Especially in hospitals and care facilities, up-to-date information is not just important—it’s indispensable, and can even be life-saving. However, how can this crucial information be quickly shared with all employees, given the diverse roles, working hours, and areas of responsibility? It’s simple with your new LOLYO employee app. This app effortlessly connects your entire team—from cleaning staff to administration, the operating theatre, and management. An one-for-all solution via smartphone, all while ensuring full GDPR compliance.

Test 60 days for free

Scheduling and work instructions

Whether you want to send information to the entire workforce via push messages or address individual groups of employees – with LOLYO, team coordination runs like clockwork, regardless of time and place. Not only can you share the current duty roster in no time at all, you can also send essential work instructions to your team in a targeted manner – including read receipts to confirm that the instructions have been read.

One-way communication is obsolete

But the LOLYO one-for-all employee app doesn’t just make it easy to share news from a company perspective. Your employees can share whatever’s on their minds on the pinboard, giving you constant feedback on the mood in the team. Forms can be used to submit damage reports or other important information from employees on the ward. One-way communication is now a thing of the past.

Turn your employees into recruiters

Are you desperately looking for skilled workers? Your new LOLYO one-for-all employee app has a solution for this too. With the “employees recruit employees” function, you can easily turn your employees into recruiters. Open positions can be shared directly from the app and forwarded to friends or acquaintances. Of course, this commitment is also rewarded with points and the willingness to get involved increases.


Well informed – highly motivated

The integrated engagement tool makes it easy for everyone to get involved. Your employees collect points for certain activities, like commenting on or liking posts, which they can then redeem in the goodie store. This makes internal communication even more fun.



Thanks to LOLYO’s employees-recruit-employees function, we have already reduced our recruiting costs by 15 % compared to the previous year.


„Die sogenannte „Zettelwirtschaft“ wurde durch die Apppraktisch abgeschafft. Sämtliche Unterlagen sind in der Mitarbeiter-App abrufbar und werden intensiv genutz.“ Thanks to LOLYO's employees-recruit-employees function, we have already reduced our recruiting costs by 15 % compared to the previous year. „Die Durchdringung der Unternehmensnachrichten erfolgt wesentlich gezielter. Anhand der Likes und Kommentare können direkte Rückmeldungen eingeholt werden, was bisher mit anderen Tools nicht möglich war.“
Zitat zum Thema Mitarbeiter-App in der Gesundheits- und Pflegebranche Thomas Fichte, Geschäftsführer & leitender Notarzt, Ambulantes Rehabilitationszentrum Bautzen GmbH Mag. Patrick Schlager Head of Communications at the hospital “Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder” Vienna Lena Goldmann, Unternehmenskommunikation & Debitorenmanagement, Agaplesion Diakonie Kliniken Kassel gemeinnützige GmbH

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